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  • Fransisco

Investing in your Passion

I was sat at home yesterday evening and was watching the 2nd of the 6-part BBC 2 mini series featuring the stunning principality of Monaco. It’s fair to say I find programmes such as these quite enlightening, from political and cultural perspectives to the processes for control and management. Monaco clearly is a one of a few very unique and special places that is working very hard to maintain its position and status in the world. The thing that really caught my eye during the middle of the programme, was the well-known Monaco Yacht show. The Monaco Yacht Show is probably the worlds grandest boat show held each year. Here the world largest and best boat builders come together to show off their boats and, in the process, take several ‘000s of millions of pounds worth of orders. What this re-affirmed to me is the value of ‘The Yacht Bond’, the recent security backed fixed income product launched by Berkeley House Capital. A select group of individuals and investors really do love the calm, private and luxurious surrounding of their luxury yachts. Whether it’s for a holiday with family and friends, or for private business meetings a luxury yacht does offer something even the grandest 5-star hotels can’t – privacy and personalisation. But I hear you ask what has that got to do with ‘The Yacht Bond’. The answer is exactly the above. Just as there is a huge market for people who want to own their own luxury yachts, there is an even larger number of people who would love to have the benefit of yacht for 6 – 8 weeks a year. It is with the basis of enabling liquidity in that market that ‘The Yacht Bond’ has materialised. By utilising funds raised in ’The Yacht Bond’ Berkeley House Capital is able to fulfil the needs of that market by purchasing yachts in volume on advantageous terms. We then work with our established partner to fulfil the requirement and desire for fully managed yacht shares – currently about $500m worth of transactions over the past 6-7 years have been completed. As we talked about a few weeks ago, many of our high net worth clients have taken to seeking to undertake ‘passion’ or ‘pastime’ investments. A way of securing returns in areas that get alignment to areas that form part of their lives, thus providing a lifestyle benefit in addition to fixed income returns.

‘Investing in your Passion’. Fixed Return utilising assets you love. This blog is not an offer or advice on any investment, merely musing based upon conversations with clients and partners. As always entering into any form of ‘investment’ requires due diligence. It seems this again points to the benefits of utilising the services of a boutique regulated alternative asset managers who specialise in these types of opportunities, effectively providing some degree of increased assurance that investments, whilst not removing all the risk, are managed correctly. Berkeley House Capital is one such boutique Company. If you are a Wealth Manager, IFA, Family Office or Finance Professional and would like to know more about our investment products and/or services, send us and email to arrange a convenient time to discuss. If you would like to discuss any aspect of this note please feel free to email: and one of the team will be very happy to arrange call with you.

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